Thursday, April 9, 2015

Stop Florida's Unconstitutional Plan to Outlaw Anonymous Speech

A dangerously misguided Florida bill would forbid websites from operating anonymously just because they meet a vague definition of disseminating “commercial recordings”—and it's headed for a vote this week.

Supporters of the “True Origin of Digital Goods Act” say it's about “piracy,” but it would actually have disastrous consequences for anonymous online speech both inside and outside the state. Anybody operating a website that is even “likely to” host music or videos “directly or indirectly,”—even their own music or videos—could be ordered to reveal their name and address.
This new law isn't just unnecessary to enforce federal copyright or trademark laws—it also creates a new avenue for legal abuse. Anyone “aggrieved” by an anonymous website owner could take that owner to court, without having to show legal harm.

Anonymous speech is a vital part of the American free speech tradition, and of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. Artists, writers, and citizens rely on the freedom to speak anonymously through blogs, independent news sites, amateur video and music, and other websites and services. They rely on anonymity to voice unpopular opinions and speak truth to power without fear of harassment or reprisals at work or at home.

If you're in Florida, act now to tell your lawmakers: don't sacrifice anonymous speech at the altar of vague anti-piracy policy. Vote no on “True Origins of Digital Goods Act,” HB271 in the House and SB604 in the Senate.

From the Electronic Frontier Foundation's site -

And, an email from Fight for the Future states:

The news coming out of Florida is not good. Florida is poised to pass a dangerously misguided SOPA-like bill this week. This is bad for the Internet, both inside and outside the state.

Florida state legislature has introduced two related bills - HB 271 and SB 604 - otherwise known as the “True Origin of Digital Goods Act” (TODGA).[1]  

Supporters say the bills will curb online piracy. But really this is about online censorship. Just imagine having to put your home address on all of your websites that contain streaming content? Are you kidding??
Unfortunately TODGA is no joke. If the act become law, any website that has commercial streaming content will be legally required to post their owner’s true name and contact information on the site or risk being taken down.[2]

What else is bad about the “True Origins of Digital Goods Act”?
  • The bill is useless. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act already covers what Florida says it needs to fix; TODGA just creates a new avenue for legal abuse. Anyone “aggrieved” by an anonymous website owner could take that owner to court, without having to show legal harm. [3]
  • TODGA will allow officials to take down alleged violators without any due process. This sets a dangerous precedence that will curb free speech on the Internet and circumvent normal channels.
We can’t let this happen.

When Congress tries to pass SOPA/PIPA and CISPA, we stop them every time. Now they’re trying to sneak similar bills under the radar at the state level. We are smarter than that.

Please sign the petition to stop Florida’s“True Origins of Digital Goods Act”, and share this petition with your friends.

-Susan, Evan, Holmes, Tiffiniy, Jessica, Vasjen, Charlie and Jeff
Fight for the Future

[2] Electronic Future Foundation. Stop Florida’s Unconstitutional Plan to Outlaw Anonymous Speech. EFF website. (Note: EFF’s article was written when Florida tried to pass the same bills last year. Thankfully the 2014 bills failed. Let’s make sure the same thing happens in 2015.)
[3] Florida Legislature Considering SOPA/PIPA-like bills. The Internet Association

Come on Florida - We don't want to be Flori-DUH - sign the petition and donate. This is important.

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