Wednesday, January 14, 2015

From the Florida Supreme Court - Strategic Planning Survey

The Florida Supreme Court is seeking comments from non-attorneys involved in law suits. The survey will be available through January 30, 2015. The following information is posted on the Florida Supreme Court's website.

Take the Survey

Strategic Planning Surveys

The Florida Supreme Court would like to hear from you about the Florida Court System. We are updating the strategic plan for the state courts system and need you to tell us how we are doing, what you think works well, and what may need to be improved. Your opinions are important to us, and they will affect the plans and choices that we make.
Please take a few minutes to leave your comments and help us make our state courts system more effective at providing justice for all.

Party to a Lawsuit or Legal Action / Defendant / Victim / Witness
If you have been involved in a case or court action recently either as a party to a lawsuit or legal action, a victim, a witness, or a defendant, please click on the image below to take the survey for non-attorney court users.

The Florida Court System is Seeking Comments

The Florida Supreme Court’s Long Range Strategic Planning Workgroup would like to hear from you about the Florida Court System. We are updating the strategic plan for the state courts system and need you to tell us how we are doing, what you think works well, and what may need to be improved. Your opinions are important to us, and they will affect the plans and choices that we make. Please take a few minutes to submit your comments and help us make our state courts system more effective at providing justice for all. 

All responses are completely anonymous; they will be compiled together and analyzed as a group. No one’s answers will be singled out or reported in any way that would allow identification of participants. Survey responses are public record, which must be disclosed upon request, but again, without disclosing any identifying information.

Take the Survey