Monday, October 6, 2014

FALDP Announces New Ambassador Program

One outcome of The Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers's recent conference is the launch of a new community outreach program. FALDP - Empowering the People.

The FALDP Ambassador Program is a local community outreach program in which FALDP members reach out to consumers and educate the public about our association. By reaching out into communities we hope to raise awareness about our industry in general and make our individual document preparation services available; along with the other services our members offer.

We, the members of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers, deeply believe that it is the right of all American consumers to have access to the legal system, regardless of income or education. It is our mission to deliver well researched legal information to consumers.

The FALDP mission embodies our quest and our goals. We offer legal information; and document preparation assistance. We hope that by educating consumers about their legal rights -- we will have done our part to give others hope.

The FALDP mission is a journey. We have only begun, there is much to do. We hope that the confidence gained through education and knowledge will empower consumers, so they may have a fighting chance to enforce or pursue their rights in a court of law.


If you are involved in a group or community program whose members are in need of legal information or document preparation assistance we may be able to help. As nonlawyers we are prohibited from offering legal advice or representation. Individual FALDP Ambassadors use and expand their personal and business contacts to extend our association's reach while promoting their document preparation services.

The groups that the FALDP Ambassadors are set to contact include: women's groups, men's groups, Chambers of Commerce, Legal Aid Societies, divorce groups, singles groups, clerks of court, correctional facilities, business networking groups, domestic abuse centers, and many more.

If you are a document preparer who is interested in joining our association and becoming an FALDP Ambassador, we are always accepting membership applications. We are hosting a members only webinar this coming Saturday 10/11/2014. Annual membership is only $75. Membership benefits far outweigh the price. Come grow with us!

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